Mechanical Engineering envisages the development, design, manufacturing and maintenance of machinery. The present age demands Mechanical Engineering course producing specialists who have the capacity of adaptability and creativity in the new technical areas. To meet the above requirements Mechanical Engineering department offers the Course DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING
Rajendra Mane Polytechnic, Ambav Ratnagiri started DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING in 2010. The department has excellent faculty and is known for its commitment high academic standard disciplined approach and well maintained facilities. Students get solid exposure of and are motivated to orient themselves any of the main thrusts namely Production, Design, Heat power and Manufacturing. The department has maintained a good rapport with the industry as well as specialized R&D organizations. RMP is amongst the best mechanical engineering colleges in Pune.
Department have Qualified, Sincere and Dedicated Teaching & Non Teaching faculty members. Faculties are trying to upgrade their knowledge and skills by attending various Workshops, Seminars, STTP, National an